Swimming At School
What Will I Need?
- Swimming costume (boys to wear trunks, not swim shorts)
- Hat
- Waterproof bag
- If your child has a verruca, they will need to wear a verruca sock
- Please make sure all items are named
- Long hair should be tied back
- Earrings must be removed for swimming (if your child is unable to remove their own earrings then please make sure earrings are not worn on swimming days)
Hats (£1.50 or £3.00 depending on the type) and verruca socks (£2.00 each) can be purchased from the office.
- The cost for one term’s swimming lessons is £25.00 (unless your child is registered for Pupil Premium).
- Payment should be make via Arbor our on-line payment system. If you cannot pay on-line, please contact the office.
- Payments should be made before the start of each term’s swimming.
- Payment by cheque is no longer accepted at the school office.
- If you have any difficulty meeting the swimming costs, Please speak to Miss Shaw.