Cheam Fields Primary Academy (25 of 136)


If you would like your child to attend Cheam Fields Primary, please see our admissions arrangements below.

Please click here for our Admissions Policies 


Starting Reception

LEO Admissions Site for Reception and Nursery

The law states that children are admitted to School at the beginning of the term after he or she reaches 5 years of age. In Sutton, all children are admitted earlier than this. All Reception children start school in September. Other children are accepted into the school at any time during the year, providing there is a place available in the relevant year group.

We have 60 places in our Reception shared between two classes. All children need to apply for a Reception place through the Local Authority they pay their council tax to.  Offers of Reception places are sent directly from the Local Authority. Once you have confirmed your acceptance of the offer to the Local Authority, your details will be forwarded to the school. You will then be informed by the school as to your child’s starting date. Your child will have the opportunity to visit the school prior to starting.

For Reception places, please apply via the link within your local authority’s website. 

The London Borough of Sutton's website, can be found below

Applying to start Reception

Starting Nursery

The earliest that a child can be considered to start a Sutton Community Nursery is at the beginning of the term after their third birthday. Your child’s date of birth will determine the maximum amount of time that they can spend in nursery before starting primary school. Sutton aims to provide at least one year of part-time nursery education prior to a child’s admission to primary school. In Sutton, children are eligible to start primary school in the academic year after they turn four years of age. Many nurseries will fill up in the Autumn term. Therefore, if your child is eligible to start nursery in the Spring term, there will be no guarantee that places will be available. Your child may have to wait until the Autumn term to be considered for a vacancy.

Nursery 2025/2026

Nursery parents and carers should apply directly to the school for places in our Nursery for September 2025.  The deadline for receipt of applications was 15th January 2025 at 3.00pm.  Applications received after this time will be deemed late and considered after all on time applications.

After 15th January 2025, if you wish to submit a late application as outlined above, please click here  for the application form.

CF Starting Nursery Guidance 2025/2026

In Year Applications

Pupil places throughout the school become available when families move away from the area. For more information on how to apply please click on the link below:

Applying for In Year Admissions