Attendance and Absence
What do I do if my child is absent?
Although we encourage children to attend school every day, we realise that sometimes children are unwell and therefore unable to come to school.
When your child is absent from school you must:
If your child is absent from school due to illness or a same day medical appointment, you must complete the google form below by 8.30am on each day of absence. We may contact you for more information or to ask for medical evidence.
Absence reporting form - Illness
If your child has a pre-booked appointment, you can let us know by completing the form below in advance.
Absence reporting form - Appointments
Holiday During Term Time
It is a legal requirement for children to attend school. The school places great importance on attendance. High attendance leads to high achievement. We are unable to authorise holiday in term time.
If you feel you have exceptional circumstances for a leave of absence during term time, please email the School Office to request an Exceptional Absence Form. Once you have completed this, each circumstance is considered and you will be notified of the outcome via email.